Category Archives for "Coaching"

Summer is Here!

Brigette Iarrusso

Summer is Here, Let’s Get in Flow

I am incredibly excited that summer is here. I have planned a series of engaging seminars and workshops, to get you out there and connecting with like-minded purpose-driven entrepreneurs and business leaders. I am partnering with The Impact Hub, General Assembly and WeWork, to help you grow your tribe and tap into some collective abundance!

May I Ask “What if?” and What is Cinco de Mayo?

Embrace Change May Brigette Iarrusso

Happy Cinco de Mayo - wait, what is this day? I watched a video that clarified an often misunderstood holiday. And, gives guidance on how to drink your tequila and celebrate without being a jerk! It’s a nice short history of this important holiday and how it’s one more reason to celebrate and give thanks for our cousins just south of us! How to Celebrate

There is a sweet little one minute clip and a short blog from the training on Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership. 

Spring is Here – Let’s Get out There and Connect!

Embrace Change Spring

Spring into ACTION!

Out with the old, in with the new. Spring is a time to clear out what we don’t need. And, make space for more of what we do need.

We need more community, connection and collaboration. To get out of our head, get unstuck and get into flow around what we love to do in the world.Spring is a very busy season for networking. I have curated a list of events, where you can connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and business leaders to grow your business and your tribe!

Let’s Embrace Change and Get In Flow Together!

Embrace Change Hugging Beach

Hello and Happy 2018!

This is an exciting time for me, and I want to reconnect with you.  I’ve got a big vision and I hope you’ll be a part of it!

2017 was filled with a lot of well….shift. And, in the midst of it, I found my flow and grew my business by getting out there and connecting people that share my purpose which is to accelerate and elevate other people.